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Does Water Expire?

Does water expireWater does not expire in the traditional sense. It does not spoil or go bad like food products. However, over time, water can become contaminated with microorganisms and chemicals that can make it unsafe to drink.

Bottled Water

When water is stored in a bottle, it can pick up impurities from the environment.  They include dust, bacteria, and mold. If the bottle is not properly sealed, the water can become contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms.  They can cause illness. Additionally, if the water is stored in a warm and humid environment, it can create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Another factor to consider is the presence of chemicals in the water. Over time, plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water, such as bisphenol-A (BPA), which is a known hormone disruptor. If the water has been stored for an extended period of time, it may contain higher levels of these chemicals.

Why Expiration Date?

Many companies print an expiration date on their bottled water.  This is a precautionary measure for quality control.  It also ensures that the water is consumed within a safe time frame. The expiration date is not an indicator of the water going bad or spoiling.  It is rather a guideline for when the water may no longer be at its optimal quality. Additionally, bottled water is often treated and purified to remove impurities and contaminants.  However, over time it can still become contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms. The expiration date helps to ensure that the water is consumed before it has had a chance to become contaminated.

In conclusion, water does not expire, but it can become contaminated over time. To ensure that the water you drink is safe, it is important to regularly inspect and replace any old bottles of water. If in doubt, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid drinking water that has been stored for an extended period of time.

Read our blog to find out the difference between mineral and spring water.

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