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Efficient Filtration Removes Microplastics

microplastics waterSouth Korean researchers have developed an efficient water filtration system that can remove microplastics from water. The team at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) created the system using a material called a covalent triazene framework (CTF).  It captures all kinds of pollutants, including microplastics. Microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic found in water, food, and even inside people, are a growing concern for public health. However, DGIST’s CTF-based filtration system removes over 99.9% of pollutants within 10 seconds.  The speed and effectiveness make it an effective solution to purify water.

Hope for 700M People

This innovative filtration system offers potential benefits to people worldwide. The CTF filters can be reused multiple times, making them an economical solution for water purification. In areas with limited access to clean water, this technology can supply drinking water where there is no power supply. With over 700 million people worldwide lacking access to water, this new filtration system could be life-changing for many.

End of Microplastics in Water?

Professor Park Chi-Young, leader of the research team, called the technology „an unrivaled water purification technology with the world’s highest purification efficiency, removing more than 99.9% of phenolic microplastics and VOC (volatile organic compounds) contaminants in water at ultra-high speeds.” The filtration system’s ability to remove microplastics from water could also reduce the number of microplastics that people consume.  This would make  it a safer choice for households.

Learn about the efforts to remove PFAS from the environment.

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